Sunday, 4 December 2022

The world is flat essay

The world is flat essay

the world is flat essay

WebThe book by Thomas Friedman, "The World is Flat", discusses the enormous changes regarding technology and communications which have altered the lives of people all over WebGlobalization The World Is Flat The Way Globalization Has Changed Our World “The world became a one great village” that is how ordinary people would describe our time, Web“The World is Flat,” by Thomas Friedman, chronicles the influx of a large number of new players on the global economic stage that has created a strong force that is already

The World is Flat Essay

Globalization is the current issue making waves around the world. The trend towards globalization is simply awesome especially in the third world countries. Over the years, some economists have expressed their views in support of globalization while others, have the world is flat essay it. However, with due respect accorded both parties over their respective opinions, it is worthy of note here that globalization is an issue that has come to stay particularly with the trend towards it. Duiker, Duiker believes the trend towards globalization may be offset by a simultaneous trend towards fragmentation.

Lastly, in the concluding part of the essay, it will be shown how globalization is greatly taking over the world. In developing and developed countries respectively, the issue of globalization is of top priority as no country in the world wants to be left behind. There is barely a country or nation in the present world which has not joined the trend towards globalization or intends to be a part of it in the nearest future. In this 21 st century when the world is classified or termed as a global village, global governors, super powers of the world and international organizations like, the United Nations, UN European Union, EU and the African Union, AU are not resting in their campaigns to take globalization to the next level. The present world is a highly technological advanced world.

Virtually everything in our daily lives is connected to one technology or the other. In the health sector, highly advanced technical tools are used to perform neuron surgeries, plastic surgeries and treat diseases of different kinds. In terms of education, schools have launched websites and portals which enable students pay school fees on the internet from anywhere in the world. There is also an immense improvement in the communication sector as new devices are invented thus making communication easier and cheaper. Today, people communicate through different mediums like, phones and the internet which records a tremendous 20 million users daily. In the agricultural sector, the world is flat essay, agric products are processed into baked foods and beverages. All these and more are made possible and easy through technological advancement.

Even in farming, technological equipments enable agricultural systems like; irrigation, the world is flat essay, cross breeding and rearing of animals or live stocks. The aforementioned examples explain why there is a trend towards globalization and the reader will agree with me that, our every day lives are influenced and made easy due to the advancement in technology. As the world advances so does the need for improvement in our lives arises too thus the desire and clamor for the world to be totally globalized will continue to increase. Literally, Friedman tries to say there is a level playing field for everybody and this means that, there is enough room for every individual, group of people, companies, international forums and governments of nations to compete and gain global knowledge.

Freidman moves on to use Asian countries like, Japan, China and India as examples to illustrate his point about room created for everyone to progress. However, Friedman attributes this opportunity to what he calls world flatteners. Friedman, Friedman tries to show that, these technological advancement which are as a result of globalization are capable of also causing disasters if in the wrong hands and this fact has changed the thinking of many nations thus creating room for anybody to the world is flat essay and gain global knowledge. He also highlights the problems and challenges in the American society but he is adamant, optimistic and envisages what the American economy will be like in future. As for developing countries, Friedman in the third part of his book suggests the necessary steps to be taken in order to meet up the high speed of development other countries have attained.

He uses Ireland as an example of a willing society and leaders with vision and how these factors helped propel Ireland from a less developed European country to an advanced one. The world is flat essay part four, Friedman explains seven factors which are responsible for the growth of companies and he advices other smaller companies to emulate the already advanced ones. Then in part five, he talks about international politics of the world and envisages problems that might arise from the flattened world. Globalization has demerits just as anything else in life. There are always two sides to every career, scientific discovery and a new technology invented or a world trend like globalization.

However, you will agree with me that, the gains or merits that are achieved from globalization greatly supersede the demerits and it is therefore, worth the risk. It can then be inferred that, the world is flat essay, the trend towards globalization is a right step in the right direction which is worth taking regardless of its disadvantages. This means it requires more than just offsetting a simultaneous trend to fragment globalization. With the constructive argument above, it can be reasonably concluded that, between William Duiker and Thomas Friedman, Friedman is correct amongst the two writers, the world is flat essay.

Duiker, William. Contemporary world history: Georgetown University: Wadsworth, Friedman, Thomas. The world is flat: A brief history of the twenty-first century. New York: Allen, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? The World is Flat. Table of Contents. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on The World is Flat specifically for you! This the world is flat essay on The World is Flat was written and submitted by your fellow student, the world is flat essay. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. Removal Request. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda.

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The World Is Flat, Assessment Example |

the world is flat essay

WebEssay on World is Flat. After reading The World is Flat, I would have to say that I believe the world is flat as according to the author Thomas L. Friedman. Globalization has taken the WebThe World is Flat Essay. In his book “The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century”, one of the most famous American journalists Thomas Friedman states that the WebI. Summary. The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman intends to warn the environment for governments, businesses and individuals that they must stay informed and learn to

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