Sunday, 4 December 2022

China one child policy essay

China one child policy essay

china one child policy essay

The one-child policy helps children in China have a much better life. China’s population was the largest in the world and a very poor country at the same time. Still, the chairman called for Chinas one child policy China has had a one child policy since The one child policy limits the fertility rate that each woman can have only one child in efforts to cut down the population, The one child policy has caused negative demographic consequences. The one child policy had estimated that China’s population would be reduced by more than million in the first

China’s Brutal One-Child Policy Essay Sample

China is considered to be the highly populated country across the world. History says that China has the largest population which has ever been witnessed. This number of people made the country to look for a way they can do to china one child policy essay this population before it was too late, china one child policy essay. This policy has affected this country negatively, china one child policy essay. Firstly, according to AJthis one child policy has a lot of negative impacts. They say that this policy has prevented over milion births which have highly created the labor shortage.

China is well known for its industrialization hence a lot of laborers are needed hence this policy has created a shortage in labor supply. Again according to AJthe policy has cut fertility rate to 1. This policy has created a big effect on gender balance. China has experienced the most ever seen gender imbalance in the world. This is because parents prefer male children than girls making the parents to abandon the girl child. In this way, China has many boys than girls which is a major effect in future. According to AJthe county has tried to impose this rule in different ways. First, they have taught girls in school about this policy and also they have legalized abortion which to me is a negative effect on the girl child.

A girl can die in the process. Also, they have taught the people about the use of contraceptives. Also according to the interview done to some people, they said that this policy is going since having one child you will concentrate your love to him, and the child will do better than any other child. This reason contradicts the economy since according to AJ they say that, with more people, the economy will be the best, china one child policy essay. Our writers can help you with any type of essay. For any subject Get your price How it works. This is because people will be more hence production will be high making this policy to affect the economy negatively. When we look at NGthey say that traditionally baby boys are most preferred a thing which is still witnessed today.

When this policy came parents do not want to have the girl child. They prefer the boy child since the boy child will carry the family name, provide for labor and also take care of the family at old age. Due to this, the girl child has been an endangered gender in China. NGsays that 12 percent of girls born in China are abandoned every year, approximating to girls. The girls abandoned are adopted to other countries, and others die in the process. The NG also say that one out of every four girls adopted overseas to the United States come from China. Also according to NGthe population of boys is growing very high in China. By this rate, men will lack women to marry. They also say that by40 million men will lack women to marry.

All this is because of the effect one child policy in China. This one-child policy in China according to NGhas created gender imbalances china one child policy essay have created many crimes. Some of the crimes include prostitution, forced marriage, and also kidnapping. Again they also say that one child in a family get spoiled since that child does not miss anything. They argue that such a child can get very fat which is a danger to the child?? In conclusion, from the above discussion, it is very clear that the one child policy in China has really created more negative effect than the positive effect. Therefore this policy should be abolished.

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Why China's One-Child Policy is a tragedy like no other - DOCUMENTARY DEEP DIVE

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china one child policy essay

15/03/ · All this is because of the effect one child policy in China. This one-child policy in China according to NG , has created gender imbalances which have created many 7/09/ · The Chinese infrastructure is outstanding, and the country endures tremendous technological progression. The one-child policy thus appears to be beneficial as the 22/02/ · China implemented a “one child policy” in the late s in response to a growing crisis created by rapidly exploding population growth (Piper). Essentially the one child policy

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