Sunday, 4 December 2022

Population control essay

Population control essay

population control essay

Population control is a way in which the rate of population growth is changed, which has been made possible by limiting birth rates. Initially, population development has genuine impacts on Population control is an immediate requirement for the betterment of our living place that is our earth. The population of human beings is on a constant rise due to better facilities available Population Control Essay Just from $9/Page Order Essay To overcome this, man devised ways of getting adequate food through the process of the use of better and improved tools to hunt.

Brief Essay on Population Control ( Words)

The article on the boiling frog theory stipulates that the gradual increase of temperature during the process of boiling a frog will help to achieve the goal. However, putting a frog in hot water will not work since it will jump out upon detecting the changed environment. The theory of boiling frog applies to organisms based on population growth, population control essay. Food becomes the means to which such extension is achieved; the increase of food means the increase in the population of the organisms like mice in a caged environment.

A restriction on the amount of food will also lead to restricting the population growth of mice, population control essay. This discussion explores the specific ways that this theory may apply to Human cases. A historical evaluation of the past ten thousand years reveals a specific character of human population growth. According to the article, before the agricultural revolution, man depended on hunting and gathering. There was a balance between the wood availability to hunt and the population of man. The change of climate and the restriction of the amount of food that man could get, population control essay. The population started to remain constant, and food competition between man and the rest of the animals became the order of the day.

To overcome this, man devised ways of getting adequate food through the process of the use of better and improved tools to hunt. At this time, there was another population increase. The population of man continued to increase, and restriction was based on the availability of food. However, five thousand years ago was made a turning point for a man when they started practicing agriculture, population control essay. This meant a man could produce more food through crop production and rearing animals for food. The consequence was an increase in population. There were a massive level and the general spread of humans from their original point to the rest of the world where they could survive due to the presence of food.

As the supply of food continues, the population also grew proportionately in a way that can keep with the amount of food. The same population increase was observed during the industrial revolution. This led to more production of food and improved living standards and conditions. The ability of man to increase its population has, therefore, been based on its capability to produce adequate food to sustain its population growth. The increase in food implies the population increase, just like it happened to the mice experience. A constant in a production led to a constant population.

This relates to the theory of boiling from whereas gradual change is the leading factor and component for change in terms of population. The link between food and population growth becomes strong in the case, population control essay. The population of the world and the availability of technology have a lot of influence in the case of population growth. The high-level population enables a faster rate of interaction in the environment. This has led to the influence of the high rate of the spread of COVID 19 in the environment.

For instance, the shares places like churches, malls, and other food stores led to the faster speed of the virus throughout the world. The population growth, the high rate of interaction, and mobility are the main causes population control essay the spread. Moreover, the population growth and the high level of concentration of people in urban centers is a population control essay that has led to the intensified rate of spread of the COVID19 In the world. In conclusion, population growth and the presence of population control essay are directly proportional. A change in food supply leads to a corresponding change in population. Even though human can control their population through birth control mechanism, all these are subject to the presence of food, and they happen in a gradual way like the boiling frog.

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Population control essay in 250 words - essay on population control is necessary in english

, time: 8:36

Population Control Essay - Bomb Essays

population control essay

Population control is any method that is used to control the type and number of people. Over the past few years there has been a slight increase in world population. Overpopulation has Population control is a way in which the rate of population growth is changed, which has been made possible by limiting birth rates. Initially, population development has genuine impacts on Population control is an immediate requirement for the betterment of our living place that is our earth. The population of human beings is on a constant rise due to better facilities available

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